The War on Content
# The War on Content
I declared war on the internet content and some other distracting activities.
# Why would you even…
I feel like I can be kept in distraction led life, without really ever moving anywhere. I feel I stay in one place and one of the reasons is (i think) that there is always something to consume on the internet, there is always something to do on the internet. There is always a video to be watched, picture to be seen, music to be heard, game to be played… And I can keep living like this forever. But I don’t want to. I want to use my time and energy to do something more meaningful than just consuming content, however it may be good or proficient. I want to create, I want to act. I want to explore my potential. I want to live deep life. Not shallow, distracted, arbitrary life full of pleasurable bullshit.
That’s why I declared this war against content and all other distracting activities.
# Tools for ensuring I win this war
EXPLORE: What are the current tools?