Professional Résumé
# Back-End Software Engineer
# About
- self-thaught, responsible, fast-learner, outgoing team-mate
- 4+ years of professional experience
- love to learn new things
- enjoy working with other hard-working and creative, smart people
- speak English fluently, German a little
# Experience
Go Back-End Developer @VSHosting
Prague, Czech Republic | 2018-06 -> NOW
Developing back-end of PAAS cloud platform Zerops. Facing challenges such as: asynchronous processing, many microservices coordination, LXC shenanigans, database queries optimization.
# Skills
(noob) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (lvl 99 druid)
- Golang ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- MySQL ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Linux ⭐⭐⭐
- Git ⭐⭐⭐
- Machine Learning ⭐⭐
Other skills and technologies I am familiar with:
- PHP, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Angular, Svelte
- Elasticsearch, Redis, RabbitMQ, MongoDB
- ELK, Grafana, Jenkins, GitLab, Aptly, GitHub
- LXD/LXC, Nginx, Bash, SSH, Docker, IPVS
- gRPC, Protobuf, HTTP, sockets, TLS
- API’s, microservices, DevOps tooling
- system testing, unit testing
- basics of machine learning
# whoami